The following notice was issued yesterday from the Bank-
- " Bank of Englund. August 21. "TN, Covernor and Company of the Bank of England do hereby give no: ice, that on awl otter 21st instant, they will he ready to receive applications for loans upon the deposit of Nils or exchange, Exchequer Bills, East India Bonds, or other proved securities; such loans to he reraid on or heron! the 15th October next, mith interest after the rate of 31 per 4:entum per annum, and to be for sums of not less than 2000/. each'
This notice diffors in nothing from those usually given at similar periods, except in the rate of interest ; being per cent, higher than that usually required.
With the exception of a few transactions in Dutch Bonds, which have fluc- tuated in a slight degree, the transactions of the Foreign Market have been principally confined to Spanish Stock. The business in Cortes Bonds has, however, been less extensive than usual, and the fluctuations comparatively trifling. The Opposition which we predicted would be offared to the proposed arrangement by the Cortes Bondholders, has taken an unanimous and decided form, at a public meeting held yesterday, where resolutions expressive of the in- justice of the proposed measure, and declaratory of the justiae of the claims of the Bondholders, were adopted without a dissentient voice. Memmials to the Queen Regent and to the two Houses of the Legislature were also agreed on : and, without attempting to anticipate the effect of yesterday's proceedings, we most cmdially wish success to the endeavours of the meeting. Among the other proceedings of the day, was a resolution expressive of thanks to the Com- mittee of the Stuck Exchange, for the services rendered to the Bondholders, by the enforcement of their resolution against dealing in the New Bonds of any Foreign Government that has not duly paid its former dividends, or effected some satisfactory arrangement with its old creditors. It is owing to the rigid adherence to this rule alone, that the Cm tes Bondholders are now in any condi- tion to negotiate with the Spani-h Government ; and if they should ever suc- ceed in obtaining better terms for themselves, it will be through the continued perseverance in this regulation ; for, until some relaxation of it takes place, it is impossible that the English Market can be opened to the Spanish Govern- ment; their immense creation of Stock, and their recent threatened bank- ruptcy, having excluded them from the Continental Markets, they can only look to English capitalists for assistance in their present difficulties; and if, as we have no doubt, the Committee of the Stork Exchange still persevere in requiring the Government to make a " sati,,ftctory arrangement with the holders of its former Stock," before they admit the new loan into this Market, Spain may be compelled to concede the terms required by her English creditors, which are neither onerous nor exorbitant. We do no not believe we are rating the effect of the resolution of the Committee of the Stock Exchange too nightly, when we consider the neglect to which the operation of it has consigned the Bonds of the last Greek Loan, although certainly one of the most eligible securities in the Market, as guaranteed by England, France, and Russia. Front the quotation of its mice never appearing in the authorized list of the Stock Exchange, transactions in it have been from the first very limited, and are now of rare occurrence.
The Dutch :a per Cents, were depressed to Lal-ott Welees.'ay; but have since recovered. The 5 per Cents. were not affected in a sindlir degree. The other Foreign Stocks have remained at nearly cur last quotations; and the business in them has not been such as to require nmark.
We have very little to remark upon this morning. The English Funds are in their usual Saturday state of calm. A fall of l per cent in Cortes Bonds in Paris has affected Spanish Stuck ; which, after having ken at 43, has slightly improved, and is now 44,1.
The Money Market has been heavy since our last publication. The transac- tions, however, in the English Funds have been of trifling extent. A greater demand than usual for money existed in the beginning of the week ; but that resstire has ceased. Exchequer Bills are rather lower than last week: the sales of this security are still continued, and are stated to be made by the Bank of England for the purpose of effecting the contraction of the circulation, which the contimed exportation of the precious metals has rendered necessary. We cannot 1:1.1ieve that this operation is preeceding to any extent, otherwh:e the price of Exchequer Bi!hs would be materially lower thau at present ; for we cannot adopt the i agenions fiction of one of our Morning contemporaries, that the Basking ietere-4 are discounting their Dissented 4 per Cent. Stock at tl per Cent., to haw:A in Exchequer Bills, which only yield an interest of t?.!, per Cent., thereby gaining a loss of per cent, on the money invested. The petkils for closieg the transfer-books of the various Stocks, the Dividends on which will become due in October, are fixed as follows-
Sh tit. Open.
september 2 October 14 -- 3 — 22 — 4 —17
— 10 —22
— —
— —23
—* 3 —22 Bank Stock
3 per Cent. E licst
31 per Cent. Reduced 4 per Cent. 18-4.; Annaities Annuities for terms of v,ars Ohl South Sea Annuities.
SATURDAY. FOCR o'cr.ocic.
The Spanish Market improved a little in the course if the afternoon, and tile price has been as high as 44A : this quotation has not, however, been supported, and the closing price is 44i. Nothing worthy of notice has occurred in any description of Stock ; the prices of all of which are as in tha looming.
3 pm Cent. Con *Is 901 4 Dutch 21 per Cents. 501 51 Ditto for Account 911 : Fronett 3 per Cer:ts — New 31 per Cent. Annuities 981 Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents — Bank Stock — Mexican 6 ver Cents. 40 41 India stock.. 259
Fortite,ae,e 5 rer (7cats .....
531 Exchequer Bills 38 40
Do. i: egency .ze:;i14,5 per Cent
831 1- Belgian 5 per Cents 98/ 9
Prn..,imi. I sli, 5 per Cent...
— Blazilian 5 per Cents 781 Ilussiaa. 12 5 pm Cent... 1051 64 Danish 3 per Cents 754, 1891,5 per Cent...