The Persons Accused Of Being Concerned In The Brussels Riots
of April last, have been tried at Mons; and were all acquitted on the 17th instant, after six hours' deliberation by the jury, to whom rm fewer than two hundred and eighty-eight......
The Times Of Thursday Zontains A Long And Elaborate Let-
ter from Nauplia, on the affairs of Greece ; which, owing to Russian intrigues, are very unsettled. It seems that Count ARmANsPERG, who is well known as an accomplished man of......
Conspiracy On A Large Scale, According To The Phraseology Of
the Italian newspapers, has been discovered in the Grand Dutchy cf Modena, and many persons have been arrested. The Duke, 'who is a sort of Austrian Policemaster-General in......
Cfbe Itirtrapoili.
The Spanish Bondholders held a meeting at the City of Lon- don Tavern on Thursday, to discuss the project for the recognition and payment of the Cortes Bonds, recently brought......
The Session Of The French Chambers Was Brought To A
close on Saturday, and is not to reopen before the 29th of December. The speech of Louts PHILIP, in reply to the address of the Deputies, was exceedingly pacific. His Majesty......
It Appears From The Following Extract From The Swabian Mer-
cury, published at Munich, that Swing is busy in Bavaria- It appears from the following extract from the Swabian Mer- cury, published at Munich, that Swing is busy in Bavaria- "......
The Chambers Of Hesse Cassel Have Reduced The Vote For
their 'mighty War Deparlment to so small a sum that they might as well have disbanded their army at once. The Government has appealed to the German Diet against this deellision......
Don Panne) And The Queen Returned To Lisbon, From Oporto,
en the 7th instant. The period for assembling the Cosies was Axed for the 15th; when the election of Don PE ono as Regent, by a very large majority, is confidently expected.......
Ely Court.
TUE King reviewed a body of troops in the quadrangle at Windsor, on Sunday morning (his favourite time, it would appear, for the amusement of soldier-play); and did not attend......