Physiology Applied To Health And It
Tins able work reached us some months since, when the pressure of publication was great, and the necessity of immediate attention to more perishable wares induced us to reserve,......
Tho Working Builders And Their Masters Are At War. The
former have refused to sign a declaration that they do not and will not belong to Trades Unions ; and for this refusal their masters have dismis-ed them to the number of several......
" It Is Said That His Majesty's Government Intend Bringing
in a hill, early in the ensuing session, to place the steam-vessels on the Thames under wholesome police regulations; to prevent them from being over-crowded, to limit their......
" We Have Received The Fidlowing From A Young Nobleman
of the most distin- guished promise. Sir—As I have seen in the Standard, that your office may be made a depository for subscriptions to the Tuam Diocesan Society, I have taken......
Sirjamesscarlett Has Been Almost Ubiquitous During The...
Assizes. We find him specially retained in Cornwall, Devonshire, Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, and other counties, requiring all the efforts of four horses to......
The Father Of The French Renegade Minister Of The Interior,
M. Times, lately arrived in Paris ; and the Opposition journals im- mediately asserted that his object was to dun his fortunate soil for a few thousand francs. The old man, as......
"the Soldier Hutchinson, Who Was Flogged At Charing Cross On
Monday, July. 14, came out of the hospital on Wednesday last, after enduring a month of dreadful suffering in the cure of his wounds."— True Sun, When Sir Merreew RIDLEY reads......
Spectator's Library.
PIIYMOT.00Y. The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health anti to the Int. provement of Physical and Mental Education. By Andrew Combe. M.D. Fellow of the......