The Principles of Physiology applied to the Preservation of Health anti to the Int. provement of Physical and Mental Education. By Andrew Combe. M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Second Edition. corrected and
enlarged Lunnian and Co.
A Vision of the Fair Spirits, anti other Poems. By John Graham, of Wadham
College, Osford Bowies.
Lays and Legends of Various Nations. By William J. Thorns, Editor of" The Early
English l'ruse Romances." (No. VI.—Tartary) • Cowie.
Report of tlw Committee of the Doncaster Agricultucit Association on the Turnip Fly, and the Means of its Prevention. Founded on Returns received to the Ques- tions of the Committee. front one hundred and two Correspondents in different parts of England and Scotland Ridgway.