SirJamesScarlett has been almost ubiquitous during the recent and pending
Assizes. We find him specially retained in Cornwall, Devonshire, Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Lancashire, and other counties, requiring all the efforts of four horses to transport him from place to place."— Times.
"The more haste the worse speed." is a saying the truth of which some of Sir JAMES SeseLerr's clients have been lately made to feel. Sir JAMES left a cause at Bodmin last week, in which he had been specially retained, before the trial was over: some question arose after his departure, on which it would have been his duty to address the Court ; but in his absence, Mr. Sergeant COLERIDGE, his junior, who was unprepared, was obliged to speak to the point in question. Sir JAMES'S clients were defeated. We suspect that at the bar, as on the stage, it is bad policy, genernily speaking, to engage stars at legit prices. Men of less note, who go the circuit regularly, charge fifty per cent. lower fees, really study their briefs, and never leave the court till the cause is over, are for the most part, we have noticed, quite as successful as the Dons of the profession, who pocket special retaining fees.