The rain has returned this week in more than its
former force. The Irish mail has been stopped at Chester by the flooding of the railway. The Avon, at Bath and Bristol, has overflowed its Nimbi, and done much damage ; and England in general shivered with the cold rain of Sunday, and then stewed in the hot rain of Wednesday and Thursday. The weather forecasts have been all wrong,—much more favour- able than the weather itself. Indeed, the weather prophets— the Americans included—might this week have well taken one of Merlin's " riddling triplets " for their motto :-
" Rain, sun, and rain 1 and the free blossom blows ;
Snn, rain, and sun ! and where is he who knows P From the great deep to the great deep he goes."
Only, in our case, " the free blossom" does not so much "blow," as blow away.