23 AUGUST 1879, page 13

[to The Editor Of Tee "spectator,"]

Sin,—May not the alteration in " A Dream of Fair Women," commented on in your last number, have been intended to hint at the other version of the Iphigenia legend,—namely, that......


A LAZY JOURNEY.—V. • These short months of absence seem to us, on looking back, so How curious it is, afterwards, to remember and to write. I am sitting again at the same......

" The Life Of Charles Lever."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR1 SIB, — Your long and able paper on my " Life of Lever contains the following passage :- " Lover writes to Mr. Hayman that lie has a perfect......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "] Silt,—a Propos Of

the interesting discussion of Mr. Tenuyson's description of the death of Iphigeneia, contained in your critique upon Mr. Bayne's book, may I suggest that the origin of the......

Letters To The Editor.

IPHIGENIA AT ATJLIS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—A very interesting point of criticism is dwelt upon in the last week's issue of the Spectator, in a review of Mr.......