23 AUGUST 1879, page 1

It Was In Relation To This Part Of Mr. Gladstone's

speech that Mr. Cavendish Bentinck, who loves a chance of appearing to answer greater men, especially when they have no oppor- tunity of reply, retorted on Wednesday, at the......

Sir Charles Dilke, In His Speech At Chelsea On Tuesday,

went over very much the same lines as Mr. Gladstone, only insisting more on the mischievous policy pursued in Egypt. He declared, however, that the Government now needed no......

Of Count Audrassy's Resignation There Can Now Be No Doubt.

But it is clearly voluntary, though definitive, and not due to any misunderstanding with the Emperor of Austria, or with the new Ministry. How far it is due to a conviction that......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLADSTONE spoke at Chester on Tuesday in favour of the second Liberal candidate, the Hon. Beilby Lawley, who, in conjunction with Mr. Dodson, is to contest Chester at the......

*** The Editors Earvrtot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


The Work Of The Agricultural Commission Bids Fair To Be

a monster affair. The terms of the Commission were published on Saturday, and authority is given in it to any " five or more " of the Commission to call before them such persons......