23 AUGUST 1890, Page 25

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada. 1888. Vol. VI.

(Dawson Brothers, Montreal.)—The Canadian Royal Society is not devoted, as its namesake of England, to science. The first paper in this volume deals with the end of the French mcgime in Canada. It is written in French, as are the six that follow. Two of these are poems, the first being a complimentary address to the Lieu- tenant-Governor of Quebec. M. l'Abb6 Casgrain follows with "leclaircissements sur la Question Acadienne." Another paper which may be mentioned is an interesting description of a visit to the Colonial Exhibition by M. Joseph Marmette, under the title " Trois Mois h Londres." M. Marmette was the Quebec dele- gate, and had the honour, which he fully appreciated, of receiving a special salutation from the Queen. Our readers may be pleased to know that the Marchioness of Lorne speaks French avec Fadorable grasseyement des Parisiennes. The second section con- tains papers on "English Literature, History, Archaeology," thc. Mr. J. Le Moine gives in one of these a deplorable picture of "The Last Decade of French Rule in Canada, 1749-1759." Mr. J. Reade contributes a paper on "The Basques in North America." 'The Basques appear to dispute with the Norsemen the honour of discovery commonly accorded to Columbus. The third and fourth sections contain some fifteen papers on various scientific and technical subjects, the most important being three dealing with astronomical matters. We are glad to welcome this volume, the sixth of the annual publications of the Society.