On Monday Evening, The Naval M.anceuvres Came To An End.
They had lasted for ten days, and bad been planned in order to ascertain under what conditions a hostile fleet can maintain itself on an important trade-route, and intercept the......
News Of The Week.
P ARLIAMENT was prorogued on Monday, when a very uninteresting Queen's Speech was read by the Lord Chan- eellor,—one about as different from what her Majesty would have......
The Anglo-portuguese Convention As To The Area Of British...
Portuguese influence in Africa has been signed, and, so far as we can judge as yet, appears to be, on the face of it, just and fairly satisfactory to both parties. The Zambesi......
Tuesday, The Day Of Cardinal Newman's Funeral, Was As...
as the occasion,—a day of wet and gloom. Yet in the neighbourhood of the Edgbaston Oratory, the crowd must have contained some twenty thousand people. The Mass itself in the......
This Week The Centre Of Disturbance At The Plate Has
shifted from Buenos Ayres to Monte Video. On Saturday last, the correspondent of the Times who has done so much to put the Argentine crisis before the public in its true light,......