The Paris Figaro Began On Wednesday To Publish A Series
of revelations in regard to the Boulangist con- spiracy, which affirm that M. Naquet was all through the arch-tempter, and which, if true, prove that the St. Arnaud of the......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2t) Were On
Friday 96 1 to 96i.......
The Channel Has Been Crossed By Another Swimmer, Mr. Davis
Dalton, an American, who swam the whole distance, or almost the whole distance, between 4 p.m. on Sunday and 3 p.m. on Monday, on his back, with his arras clasped behind him.......
It Is Stated That The Bishop Of Winchester Has Finally
resolved to resign his See, and to leave Farnham Castle towards the end of the present year. Dr. Harold Browne has been Bishop of Winchester for upwards of seventeen years, and......
Sir Colin Scott Moncrieff, The Head Of The Egyptian Irriga-
tion works, has just published an official paper describing how he has managed to make the Barrage on the Nile do its work, and setting forth in detail the operations connected......
The British Consul At Leghorn Gives A Most Depressing...
of the Protective policy in Italy, and its result in diminishing both the quality and the quantity of the food which the Italian poor can afford, and in stimulating artificially......
The Paris Papers Announce That An Attempt Is To Be
made by two French aeronauts to reach the North Pole by means of balloons. The whole story reads like the first chapter of a romance by Jules Verne, but apparently M. Besancon......
The Speaker Of Last Saturday, In A Very Courteous Manner,
invites us to retract the language used in our article of August 9th on the Gladstonian attitude towards the Government, to the effect that the Gladstonians, in speaking of......