Sylvanus Redivivus. By M. Houston. (Sampson Low and Co.) —Mrs.
Houston adds to her account of the Rev. John Mitford (the person described by the title of " Sylvanus "), a short memoir of her father, the eminent naturalist, Edward Jesse. Both are interesting, though they might, we cannot but think, have been put together with more judgment, and would have been certainly better without the writer's personal grievances. Mr. Blitford was for many years editor of the Gentleman's Magazine. a position for which he was eminently fitted. Mr. Jesse held the office of Deputy-Surveyor of Royal Palaces. Here he was un- fortunate enough to incur the Royal displeasure. Some alterations had been ordered at Windsor Castle by Prince Albert. Mr. Jesse thought that they endangered the safety of the Castle, and made a report accordingly to the Board of Woods and Forests, who had given orders that nothing should be done except with his (Mr. Jesse's) authorisation. The report was most indiscreetly shown by the First Commissioner to the Queen, and the result was that Mr. Jesse was forbidden to enter the Palace again. This is Mrs. Houston's account of the matter. We give it with due reserve.