[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] have read with
amusement the strictures of Mr. Buttle and Miss Plows-Day on my 'leiter. I have some knowledge of child life, I have had some experience of-adopted children, and I do not think I am the inhuman monster they appear to imagine. I read Little Lord Fauntleroy when it first was pub- lished, and saw the play- founded on the hook. The main object of my letter has been attained, as we are now- told that " a considerable number " of the children concerned are:illegiti- mate, and that in "many" cases the mothers have husbands living, so the public knows what it is asked to- subscribe for. It is to be hoped- that when the illegitimate war babies have been disposed of the Society will close down, as, whatever may be the ideals. of its founders, its continuance will be au encouragement of illegitimacy. The two cases of legitimate children referred to by Mr. Buttle seem to me to be such as could very well have been dealt with privately or through existing philanthropic agencies, and not such as to necessitate
a National Adoption Society.—I am, Sir, Sgo., INQUIRES;