Necessitous Ladies' Holiday And General Fund. (to Ma...
THE " Beeomos.") Sre,—As you have been good enough to allow me to appeal for years past for contributions towards. the Necessitous Ladies Holiday and General Fund, I venture......
A • Scottish Enabling 'bill. (to The Editor Op •
THE " SPECTATOR.") • SIR,-4, do not know whether your English readers are interested in our hyperborean affairs, but , the Spectator is more than an :English — it is an Imperial......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Have Read With
amusement the strictures of Mr. Buttle and Miss Plows-Day on my 'leiter. I have some knowledge of child life, I have had some experience of-adopted children, and I do not think......
" The Problem Of The Pacific." [to Tie Editor Or
THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your generous review of my book, The Problem of the Pacific, which appeared in the issue of May 3rd, is the following sentence: "We are somewhat......
Adoption: National And- International. (to The , Loris&...
• Sia,—Ae a• nation we take up an attitude of almost criminal neglect towards- the illegitimate child; with averted eyes 'we carefully . pass it by; instead of studyings the......
The "s'ilar And Garter' Musical Fund. (to The Editor Op
THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — You were good enough last year to insert a paragraph in the Spectator in connexion with the Musical Fund started by me on behalf of the wounded......