Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE USES OF ADVERTISEMENT.......
Economic Law And " Profiteering."
LTo THE EDITOR .0T THE " SPECTATOR.") Sis,—Certainly just now (if not always) the nation should " hold it very stuff of the conscience" to be guilty of no ex- travagance. We,......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator."] Sir, —a Maxim
oft repeated comes to be believed; therefore the more unthinking people are confronted with the necessity of saving and working, the better chance of their doing so. How is this......
[to The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Sir, —i Was
greatly interested in your article in the Spectator of August 9th on the subject of an advertisement campaign to tell the people of these islands the truth as to our position as......