Following on the proclamation of County Clare by the military
authorities on August 8th, an official Memorandum, issued from the Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle., and published in the newspapers of August 15th, states that :— " Owing to the recert increase and character of the crimes committed by Sinn Feinere in the County Clam, the Government have decided to suppress the organization and kindred bodies in the county as unlawful associations."
A long detailed statement, preceding the announcement, shows that during the year 1917 " a state of open lawlessness developed throughout County Clare," and continued until February, 1918. Irish Volunteers drilled in defiance of the law ; incitements to violence were made at public meetings, and there were numerous attacks on the police. On February 26th County Clam was declared a special military area, and order was partially restored. In the following August the restrictions were removed, but in January of this year " there was a recrudescence of crime," and during the past six months lawlessness and acts of violence have again increased. " These attacks on the police, &c.," adds the Memorandum, " are in furtherance of the avowed policy of the Sinn Fein organization to overthrow Constitutional Government in Ireland."