DD. (Nelson, 12s. 6d.) THIS book is so good that it is to be hoped it will be used far beyond the particular purpose its writer had in mind. As 'a lecturer in a Re- ligious Education Training Centre, Dr. Smith addresses himself, one feels, to the needs of the scripture teacher, especially in grammar schools and colleges, and none should fail to read it. But it will be of great help in the parish as the basis of a course of addresses, as part of a confirmation instruction course, for dis- cussion groups, or, as the reviewer will himself use it, put directly into the hand of the intelli- gent Christian who wants a deeper understand- ing of Christian truth.
To reveal 'the pattern of Christian belief within 160 pages might seem an impossible task, but when the ,book is put down one is left with admiration for the writer's courage and clarity of mind. He deals faithfully yet simply with modem Biblical scholarship; and the Biblical pattern revealed is not simply a broad outline, for Dr. Smith has a genius for the per- ception of significant particulars.
It would add further to the usefulness of the book were there to be a list of books for further reading related to each chapter, then this might provide an 'agreed syllabus' on which most would agree!
The publishers deserve a word of praise. The book is a pleasure to handle.