23 DECEMBER 1955, page 30
Chess Solution
Solutions to Chess Tasks an p. 879.—(1) 1 P-K 3, P-Q R 4; 2 Q-R 4, R-R 3; 3Q x QR P, P-R 4; 4 Q x B P, R (3)- R 3; 5 P-K R 4, P-B 3; 6 Q x P ch, K-B 2; 7 Q x Kt, Q-Q 6; 8 Q x......
The Inflation Bogey
By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT WHEN the Christmas bills come to be paid the fixed-income man will be sadly con- scious of the deterioration in his financial position as compared with,......
Company Notes
By CUSTOS AT this season of the year movements in the stock markets are usually slight and of no significance and business drops to a mere trickle while brokers go drinking......