23 DECEMBER 1955, page 31
Spectator Crossword No. 866
ACROSS I It seems a tiresome gathering; ask Tommy Atkins! (7, 5) ° Nick Bottom, for example (9). 'The singing masons building — of gold' (Shakespeare) (5). I So backward among......
A King Of High Degree
1 b y prize of £5 was * oilered for an English translation of the following verses from a carol oy lean Daniel : G'est wig ties grant mystere Qu'ung roy de si haul! pris Vient......
The Winners Of Crossword No. 864 Nee: Mat. S. Flrgusson,
Dunfallaudy, a. itlochry, and Mat . Cour, 35 Blackraore Road, Malvern, Worn.......
Spectator Competition No. 306 Set By R. J. P. Hewison
'Oh Lord r prayed Sir Jacob Astley before the Battle of Edgehill, 'Thou knowest how busie 1 must be this day. If 1 forget Thee, do not Thou forget me. For the usual prize (which......