Government has obtained a loan of 5,000,0001., and has fund-
ed 3,000,0001. of Exchequer Bills, on its own terms—at the rate of about 90/. in Consols with prompt payment of instalments. There were the usual meetings and conversations at the Treasury between the two Finance Ministers and the City capitalists, on Monday and yesterday. The capitalists made a bid below the official estimate, but accepted the Ministerial price without hag- gling ; and hints for some little advantages were dropped as rea- dily. The market has kept up with much firmness, although it is known that this is only a loan on account, and that about 20,000,000/. of Exchequer Bills will still be out. The fact is, that business men approve of borrowing no more money than is needed until Ministers know whether they are to take the re- mainder of the loan for the year on peace terms or war terms. Another result of these conferences is important for the future : the City suggested that the Treasury might as well state its terms at the first, instead of following the precedent of mystery ; and the Treasury appeared to receive the hint kindly.