Forrigu Ulunial.
$r dart.—Lord Clarendon and Lord Cowley arrived in Paris on Sri. turday evening, and on Sunday both had audience of the Emperor. Next day Count Buol-Schauenstein, and Count......
Dr. M'Hale is endeavouring to rouse an opposition to the proposed ex- tension of reformatories for juvenile offenders to Ireland—such institu- tions would be favourable to a......
The death of Mr. George Arkwright, which occurred on the 5th instant, caused a vacancy in the representation of Leominster ; and two candi- dates, both strangers to the town,......
T Aittruppliff.
A Special Court of Common Council was held on Tuesday, to receive the report of the Consolidated Committee on Mr. Lowe's Shipping Bill. The Committee reported against the bill ;......