Dr. M'Hale is endeavouring to rouse an opposition to the proposed ex- tension of reformatories for juvenile offenders to Ireland—such institu- tions would be favourable to a system of proselytism !
The good people of Cork want their fine harbour converted into a per- manent naval station with the due complement of docks. Lord Fermoy presided last week over a meeting at Cork having for its object the adop- tion of a memorial to the Government on the subject, urging the fulfil- ment of frequent promises "to construct docks and make other improve- ments at Hawlbowline."
An attempt has been made to assassinate Mr. Lemon Armstrong, a gen- tleman of Leitrim. He was returning home from Sligo, accompanied by his wife, in a jaunting-car ; and was fired at from a grove ; a ball struck him in the hip, and lodged in his thigh. He was able to drive on to Dro- mohair Police-station ; and the wound is not considered dangerous. Two brothers have been arrested, one of whom Mr. Armstrong has recognized as the assassin.