23 FEBRUARY 1856, page 10

In Applying To The Prussian House Of Deputies, On Wednesday,

for a vote of money, Baron Manteuffel said that the great crisis in the war could not yet be considered at an end. Prussia must continue her army in a fit state to take the......


SATURDAY. The House of Lords last night presented an unusual appearance, indi- cative of the great interest felt in the question involved in the Wensley- dale Peerage. Besides a......

Official Statements-hare Appeared During The Week Showing...

several loans with which England is connected. The Greek Loan account shows a balance of 567„649/. in favour of this country and against Greece : nothing has been paid since......

The Gazette Of Last Night States That The Queen Has

directed lettersa patent to be passed under the Great Seal, " granting the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Sir Gil- bert John......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. On Monday, the conditions of the New Loan and Funding of Exchequer Bills were announced in the presence of the Governor and Deputy-Governor of......

. A Portion Of The Central Stone Staircase Of The

Shire Hall at Chelmaford, crowded yesterday with persons anxious to hear a trial for murder, fell, killed one lad, and seriously injured several persons. The murderer of the......


On the 12th February, at Barningbam Rectory, the Wife of the Rev. J. B. Ander- son, of a daughter. On the lith, at Aikenhead House, Lanarkshire, the Lady Isabella Gordon, of a......