Tension in Greece
The threat of a new Governmental crisis in Greece has been averted, partly, it would seem, through the good offices of the British Ambassador. The whole affair is evidence both of the tension that still prevails in Athens, and of a tendency to attach an abnormal importance to names rather than things The Minister of the Interior in General Plastiras's Government, M. Pericles Rallis, resigned as a protest against the creation of an Under-Secretaryship of Home Security, which he said would take from him the control of the police. That is intelligible enough, but popular disapproval of the creation of the new office appears to derive from the fact that the name recalls one repugnant feature of the Metaxist dictatorship. The problem has in the end been solved by calling the new post the Under-Secretaryship of the Interior. As a result, feeling has sub- sided and the Government is saved. But public opinion is still clearly in. a state of suppressed effervescence, and the trials of collaborationists which have now begun may lay a severe strain on it. None the less, the general situation has continued on the whole to improve.