Wrong Things To Teach Sut,—r. R. Hopkins Writes: "a Week
or so ago I played a portion of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony on records to an audience of 150 young people of the 14-19 age-group. Not a single one recognised the music. What......
Country Life There Seems To Be A Certain Nervousness Abroad
in the villages that the Parish Councils are to be done away with. It is more likely, so far as my information goes, that their powers are to be in some small measure extended.......
Suffering Women Sir,—as Your Correspondent G. Valentine...
might be possible for some arrangement to be made presently for showing German women how great is the power of love by receiving them as guests into homes in this country, with,......
Cliches Sir,—the One That Irritates Me Is The Expression...
force," which seems to be of American origin and is of general use, and has no apparent meaning. All naval forces, especially in the Pacific Ocean, seem to be " task " forces.......
Moles Sm,—sir Stephen Tallents Asks Among Other Questions...
lead moles to travel above ground My experience is that they do so in large numbers 'when :n late summer, particularly in clay soils, the ground sets like cement. Tunnelling at......
" Longevity "
Sia,—The following record of longevity may interest some of your readers. My grandfather, Lt.-General W. A. Johnson, was born in 1777, 60 years before Queen Victoria ascended......