St. David's College, Lampeter Six, — The remarks of Janus on the
recent action brought by St. David's College, Lampeter, against the Ministry of Education, prompt me to give some further information about this College. A former Lord Chief Justice called Lampeter a " University in Petto." Its responsions, moderations and final examinations are conducted by examiners appointed by the Vice-Chancellors of Oxford and Cambridge in such a way that the number of examiners from each of these universities is equal. The standard of the pass degree is equal to that of the pass degree at Oxford and Cambridge. The College was the first to be admitted as an affiliated College to the University of Oxford. A man who lakes an honours degree at Lampeter may take an honours degree at Oxford or Cambridge after only two years' residence at the university and the passing of only the final examination.
The College looks like one of the smaller Oxford or Cambridge colleges transported to a small market town. It has its chapel, hall, library, buttery (which used to supply, among other things, excellent ale), its scouts, its pleasant quadrangle and comfortable rooms for undergraduates. The B.A. gown is similar to the Oxford one ; and the B.A. hood is similar to the Cambridge one, except that the Lampeter B.A. hood has ermine for-its fur.—Yours faithfully, BULLDOG.