Confessions Of A Poet. By Paul Verlaine. (thames & Hudson.
los. 6d.) Confessions of a Poet is disappointing in that although it tells us much concerning Verlaine's childhood and schooldays, fir+ marriage to Mathilde, and his experience......
Since Mr. Gibbon Was " Discovered " In The Nineteen-twenties
by Stanley Baldwin his work has been infrequent but enjoyable. He writes in the tradition and is not interested in technical experiment. His concern as an artist is to perfect a......
Shorter Notices
Restoration Love Songs. I dited by John Hadfield. (Cupid Press. Limited Edition. 2 gns.) THIS is a beautifully produced and printed book. The selection is good, the text is......
This New Venture Starts Under Happier Auspices Than Most Of
its kind. It has the support of a very strong editorial board, centred on the Oxford English School, and a guarantee from its publishers of a three- years life. It strikes a......
The British General Election Of 195o. By H. G. Nicholas.
(Macmillan. 2 Is.) WITH another General Election in the wind this comprehensive study of the last one, undertaken by its author for the Nuffield Foundation, is particularly......
The North Star Is Nearer. By Evelyn Eaton.
(Gollancz. 1 23. 6d.) IN twenty-one autobiographical sketches we get glimpses of Miss Eaton's childhood in Canada, her schooldays in England, and her working days in France,......
The Spring Issue Of Drama ('2s.), The Quarterly Theatre...
published by the British Drama League, is entirely devoted to the memory of Bernard Shaw and contains rewarding contributions by Dr. Gilbert Murray, Sir Lewis Casson, Dr. F. S.......