23 FEBRUARY 1951, page 5

I See That One Of The Subjects For The Members'

Prizes at Cambridge (who, by the by, gives the prizes now that there arc no Members to give them ?) " Bernardus Shavius cum Euripide coniparatus." Superhumanior, me judice.......

In Regard To The Half-dozen Best Biographies, One Or Two

readers think that Morley's " Gladstone " should be included in the list. It is a matter of opinion, so I record their views, though I do......

I Am Struck With Horror At The Information That Certain

Government departments (I have not been told which) have coined and are shamelessly using in official communications the hybrid word telecon (tele Greek, con Latin) to indicate......

How Are The Thousands Of Foreigners Who Are Coming To

London for the Festival of Britain going to find their way about London ? In the same way as any foreigners visiting London do already, no doubt. Yes, but when they arrive not......

Argument With Russia

gig HE way to resumption." wrote Salmon P. Chase of specie payments in 1866, " is to resume." In the same way, it may be submitted, the way to conference is to confer. It is......

A Spectator's Notebook

R. GAITSKELL is to be congratulated on his decision to find the not very considerable amount of money needed to ensure the continuance of the History of Parliament, begun on the......

Situations Wanted " Chef, Good All Round, Requires...

Devon, but not necessary. At present employed with head of Evangelical Bishop."—The Christian. Served with parsley sauce ? * * * *......

I Am Indebted To The Principal Of St. David's College,

Lampeter, about whose application to be recognised as a university I made some observations last week, for the full text of Mr. Justice Vaisey's findings in the case. As was......

Sir Thomas Beecham's Pronouncements Do Not Always Com-...

assent, but in the stand he is taking in the interests of British music in the new concert-hall on the Festival of Britain site it is very hard indeed to disagree with him. Here......

I Have Seen No References—though There May Well Have Been

some—to Mr. Ness Edwards's redemption of his promise to restore late postal collections in London. When last Monday I found the time-plate on my local pillar-box replaced by a......