Encounters with Wild Beasts. By Parker Gillmore. (W. H. Allen
and Co.)—The title of this book sufficiently describes its contents, and the name of Mr. Gillmore is a guarantee for their genuineness and excellence. " Ubique " is the nom de plume which Mr. Gillmore has sometimes chosen to employ, and it is sufficiently justified by the variety of these experiences. It tells us how he shot elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, and minor beasts in Africa, grizzly bears in the Rocky Mountains, buffaloes in the Transvaal, bisons in the South- Western States of America, and elks in Maine. "The reader may feel assured," says the author, in his brief preface, "that he is perus- ing facts, not fiction." When he has not experience of his own to draw upon, he has recourse to trustworthy authorities. Fictitious narratives, as he truly observes, "invariably overflow with erroneous natural history."