LINES BY THE LITE DEAN OF WBSTMINSTER. [We have received permission to print the following beautiful lines by the late Dean of Westminster, which can hardly, we think, be read......
An Oberammergau Appeal.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. SIR,—Will you kindly allow me to use your widely-sprea& paper to plead in behalf of Johann Mayr, eldest son of the man who represented the......
WINCKELMANN.* THE man who gave impulse to Herder and drew reverence from Goethe could not have been a common-place person or a pedant, as Winckelmann has been called by some......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THR "SPECTATOR."] you permit me a few words in reference to the editorial note appended to the letter in your last issue, from " An Opponent of Vivisection ?"......