The Theatres Of Paris. By J. Brander Mathews. (sampson Low
and Co.)—Mr. Mathews's little book ought to dispel the ignorance which yet continues in England on French theatrical matters. In moderate space and pleasant manner (more......
Sackcloth And Broadcloth. By Jean Middlemass. 3 Vols....
main interest of this book lies in the comparison between the Rev. Lawrence Sivewright, a somewhat worldly parson, of latitudinarian views, and a ritualist priest, Mr. Lently.......
Sir William Herschel : His Life And Works. By Edward
S. Holden (W. H. Allen and Co.)—There are, it seems, in existence copious materials for a detailed biography of Sir William Herschel. But we may very well be content with the......
Hope Ultimately To Arrive At A "religion Of Nature"...
it would seem, out of the evolution theory and the new truths (so he regards them) brought to light by the recent alleged phenomena of spiritualism, and not denied or ridiculed......
Horses And Roads. By "free-lance." (longmans And Co.)— "...
inhumanity to man" is open to objection, but his ignorant cruelty to the animals whose lives are worn out in his service is absolutely inexcusable. In Horses and Roads, "......
Lilian Adelaide .neilson. By M. A. De Leine. (newman And
Co.) —Mr. de Leine calls his brochure " a memorial sketch, personal and critical," which appears unnecessary, as any biography, however slight, can scarcely avoid possessing......
Anti-theistic Theories. By Robert Flint, D.d. (blackwood...
of this work writes . with strong convictions on the side of belief, yet, we believe, he takes pains to be fair to his opponents. The various Anti-Theistic theories, Atheism,......
Stonehenge. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. (stanford.)—this Is...
monograph. The author has made elaborate measure- ments, examined the character of the stones narrowly, and come to certain conclusions, conclusions which will not be the less......