23 MARCH 1907, Page 16


'To TEE EDITOR OF TEE ..SPROTATOR.”1 Sia,—Your very kind editorial note to my letter on the above subject of last week might, I think, lead people to assume that the troops quartered at Aldershot lacked facilities for divine worship. This, however, is not so. The excellent chaplains of all denominations, and the garrison churches each with their three parade services on Sunday mornings and daily voluntary ones, are fully equal to their task. It is for the civil population of the town, which owes its existence to the camp, that we plead. The end, however, is the same, for it is evidently for the welfare of the soldier that the town which he frequents, and in which so many married men live, should be healthy and clean in the moral as well as in the sanitary sense.—I am, Sir, Ste.,