[to The Enrroa Or The Sesotator."1
Sin,—May I refer your correspondents (Spectator, March 16th) to the rubric which follows the ministration of baptism to such as are of riper years "It is expedient that every......
[to Tem Editor Of Tee . Specfator.1 Sin, — In Discussing...
in the Spectator of March 16th, at p. 415, Mr. Cowley-Brown says .—" If ' sect ' means something cut off from an original body, the Church of England cannot be so described." I......
A Pleasant Sign Of The Times In China.
[TO THE norroa or THE . 81 . 1tOrATOE: . ] SIE, - It may interest your readers to see the subjoined extinct from a newspaper circulating among Europeans in and near Shanghai. I......
The Battersea Billiard-tables.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE ° SPECTATOR:] SIR,—I am surprised that the letter of Dr. McManus on the above subject (Spectator, March 16th) should purport to be a reply to mine. For......
(to Wog Editor Of The "sprctator."] Notice In Your Editorial
note to Major-General Eustace's letter in last week's Spectator two quiet assump- tions which seem to me hardly in accord with the general fair judgment and breadth of view of......
Church Extension At Aldershot.
'To TEE EDITOR OF TEE .. SPROTATOR.”1 Sia,—Your very kind editorial note to my letter on the above subject of last week might, I think, lead people to assume that the troops......