The Bitting Of The R011130 Of Commons Which Began On
Wednesday afternoon lasted continuously for nearly twenty- seven hours. The obstruction which led to an all-night sitting grew out of a change in the order of business which......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Jan. 17th. Consols (2t) were on Friday 861—on Friday week 844.......
We Have Not Space Here To Restate The Arguments Against
Home-rule, though, in our opinion, the experience of the last twenty years has immensely increased their strength and validity. We must, however, protest against the entirely......
The Daily Mail Of Wednesday, Under The Beading "oxford's...
calls attention to the financial needs of the University, and indirectly to a scheme for raising a quarter of a million of money for the discharge of its more pressing duties.......
Mr. Balfour'e Speech From The First Word To The Last
breathed the spirit of Free-trade, or, as the exact economists would say, of the principle of free exchange. The following passage deserves special notice. "For my own part,"......
Surely There Must Be An Irreducible Political Unit, Or Else
the fissiparous tendency which the Lord Chancellor seeks to encourage would tear every nation to pieces. The United Kingdom has become a unit, and woe to her if her unity be......
We Agree Entirely With The Duke Of Devonshire's State- Ment.
And not merely because we feel ourselves pledged, as we most certainly do, to defend the Union equally with Free-trade. If the Union were to be dissolved, so heavy a blow would......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Sinclair Intro-
duced a Bill to encourage the formation of small agricultural holdings in Scotland. The Bill is founded on the Crofters Act of 1886, and the Congested Districts Act of 1897. It......