READABLE NOVELS. —His Job. By Horace Bleackley. (John Lane. fis.)—A
Lancashire story dealing with the engrossing quality of work, even when not of the nature which would have been chosen by the worker. The character of the hero is drawn in • The Four Corners of the World. By A. E. W. Mason. London : Hodder and Stoughton. les. net.]
great 'detail and his business life is very interesting.--On the Jury. By Richard Marsh. (Methuen and Co. 5s. net.)—A series of stories concerned with various legal problems, comic and otherwise. The best is "The Case of George Collett."—The Gleam. By Alfred E. Carey. (John Long. 6s. net.)—A novel dealing with the adventures of a youth who in the first instance is carried out to sea by smugglers while unconscious from a fall from a cliff. The hero visits Mexico, which proves the Scene of many exciting events.