23 MARCH 1918, page 17

Miss Marsden, The Head Of The Domestic Science Department Of

the Battersea Polytechnic, has prepared a second series of. Recipes for Economical and Appetialfraj Dishes (4d. post free), principally composed of vegetables, which may be of......

Messrs. George Philip And Son Publish, Under The Title Of

The Allies' Gains on the Western Front, 1914-17 (2s. net), a very useful and well-executed map of North-Eastern France and Belgium, cn scale of ten miles to an inch. The......

Richard Cumberland : His Life And Dramatic Works. By S.

T. Williams. (H; Milford. 12s. 6d. net.)—Richard Cumberland will always be remembered as the original of Sir Fretful Plagiary in Sheridan's The Critic, and by Sheridan's remark......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent rev( w.] Secrets of the Submarine. By Marley F. Hay. (Skeffingtons. 2s. 6d. net.)—Despite its title, this little......

Mr. A. E. Zimmern's Pamphlet On The Economic Weapon In

the War against Germany (Allen and T. T nwin, 2d. net) is well worth reading. Germany, he says, has conquered many countries, but " the Allies have conquered cotton, wool, jute,......

The Belgian Government Have Published An Important Grey...

with the deliberate burning of Louvain and the slaughter of its people by the Germans. It consists of two Reports, L'Armie Allemande ti Louvain en Aofit 1914 and Le Lim Blanc......

The Eclogues Of Faustus • Andrelinus And Joanna'...

by W. P. Mustard. (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Press. $1.50.)—A modern reprint of any Renaissance Latin poetry is so rare that we may draw attention to this scholarly edition of......

Readable Novels. —his Job. By Horace Bleackley. (john...

Lancashire story dealing with the engrossing quality of work, even when not of the nature which would have been chosen by the worker. The character of the hero is drawn in • The......

The British Constitution Association, Of 11 Tothill...

has printed an instructive paper, What Freedom Means (6d.), which Mr. Percival L. Witherby read before the Empire. Service League at its first meeting at Hastings, New Zealand,......

Letters From Bob. (melbourne : Melville And Mullen. 4s....

George Pollard Bay, whose letters home have been printed by his father in this volume, was a young Australian who with some of his school-friends made the long journey to......

The Jewish Child. By W. M. Feldman. (bailliere, Tindall, And

Cox. 10s. 6d. net.)—This curious and instructive book, by a physi- cim who is also a learned Talmudist, summarizes the views both of the old Rabbis and of modern science in......

The President's Control Of Foreign Relations. By E. S....

(H. Milford. 6s. 6d. net.)—Professor Corwin in this valuable book has collected and analysed the documents and debates illustrating the nature of the American President's......