Early On Thursday Morning Some Enemy Destroyers Bombarded...
ten minutes. They were caught by two British and three French destroyers, and in the action which followed two enemy destroyers and two torpedo-boats seem to have been sunk.......
In The Debate Which Followed Sir Edward Carson Expressed...
as to the effect of yet another change in Admiralty organiza- tim. Lord Pirrie was a very masterful man, and there was a danger lest he should press the claims of merchant ships......
Sir Eric Geddes Told The House That The World's Merchant
ton- nage, exclusive of enemy ships, had been reduced during the war by 2,500,000 tons net out of a total tonnage of 33,000,000 up to the end of last year—a net loss of eight......
Merchant Shipbuilding In Great Britain, The First Lord...
from the outbreak of war to the end of 1915, owing to the demand for warships and munitions. Since then each quarter had shown a steady increase in the output, which was 420,000......
News Of The Week.
r 111HE British public, we are sure, has welcomed Sir Eric Geddes's candid and detailed statement in the House of Commons on Wednesday with regard to the vital problem of......
The War In The Air Has Been Prosecuted With The
utmost vigour during the week. The Royal Flying Corps disturbed the enemy's communications daily and nightly, and fought many duels. Eighty- four enemy machines were destroyed......
The Allies Have Taken Over All Dutch Shipping In Allied
ports, For months past the Allies have tried to come to an agreement with Holland, by which the Dutch, in return for the use of their shipping, would receive regular supplies of......
Last Week We Lost By Mine Or Submarine Eight Large
merchant- men over 1,600 tons and six smaller ships, as against fifteen large and three small ships in the preceding week. Ten ships escaped from their assailants. The hospital......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The " Spectator
" will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the " Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......