The Italian Opera, on Tuesday, was the scene of a
disturbance that showed anything but good taste and temper on the part of the aristocratic rioters. Cerito being unable to appear, Catarina was substituted for ()addle; a notice of the change and its cause having been posted at the doors. But the first note of the music of the ballet was the signal for a storm of hisses, mingled with calls for " Lumley "; which lasted with some intermissions throughout the performance. Lucille Grahn's pirouettes were unheeded, and Perrot was actually insulted by persons whose posi- tion in the stalls and boxes implied that they ought to have known better how to behave. Explanation from the manager's representative, and St.. Leon's assurance that his wife was incapable of appearing, were alike un- availing. That Cerito's illness was no sham, has been very formally certi- Bed both by herself and her physician: and it continued on Thursday. There was no riot on the second night of disappointment, however.