News Of The Week.
THE battle of Free Trade is at length fairly carried from the House of Commons to the House of Lords ; where the Protec- tionists have taken their stand. They have done so with......
Debates Anv Vrocettings In Iparliament.
Tars CORN BU.L. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the Duke of WELLINGTON moved the first reading of the Corn Importation Bill, without remark. The Duke of RICHMOND immediately......
Rumours Reached This Country, Some Days Back, Of A New
movement towards freedom in Italy, favoured by King Charles Albert of Sardinia. It was regarded as the echo of rumours long ago current respecting the same Monarch, even while......
By The Last Advices From India We Learn, That The
pacification of the Punjaub proceeded according to the arrangement, without let or hinderance. There was still some mystery about the pro- ceedings of Gholab Singh ; who was......