Topics Of The Day.
THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. THE Corn Bill is before the House of Lords ; and the fact that it lies with that body to determine whether or not Parliament shall be dissolved on the......
The Attraction Of Mademoiselle Rose Cheri And M. Lafont At
the French Plays continues unabated; and the lady has established herself in the favour of the English public by that naiveté which is her best characteristic.......
The Peccadilloes Of Mr. Peter Piper, At The Haymarket, May
afford amusement to those who can enjoy coarse caricature, and are not fastidi- ous on the score of delicacy. Mr. Peter Piper, a punctual City merchan t of sixty, by visiting a......
The Italian Opera, On Tuesday, Was The Scene Of A
disturbance that showed anything but good taste and temper on the part of the aristocratic rioters. Cerito being unable to appear, Catarina was substituted for ()addle; a notice......
The Theatres.
A FIVE - ACT play, apparently 'written to display Mr. Macready and his peculiar talents, was brought out at the Princess's on Wednesday, by the A FIVE - ACT play, apparently......
East India Shipping. Axxstme—at Gravesend, 18th May,...
and Bucephalus, Bell, from Calcutta; Chaucer, Elder, from Ceylon ; Johanna, Davidson, from Mauritius ; and Ann, Softly, from the Cape ; 19th, libido°, Beard, from Sydney ; 20th,......