Swirl and Piatti assisted in Quartets of Mozart and Beethoven, and a Quintet of Onslow, which formed the morning's music at Willis's Rooms on Tuesday. Piatti drew fine tones from a violoncello the property of the Earl of Falmouth. Of the general style of his quartet-playing we think less highly than of that of some less obtrusive players. He makes himself heard too much. His execution, however, of the difficulties of Onslow's Quintet, had a kind of droll facility; and his position as the first solo- player of the day is incontestable. Mr. Ella deserves well of the musical public for engaging such artists, and giving to the numerous amateurs present, an opportunity of witnessing extraordinary powers of execution, with greater facilities! for accurate observation than can be obtained any- where but in a private dwelling. These valuable lessons must not be forgotten at his own concert, announced to take place shortly, and in which he deserves to be well supported.