In the House of Lords, the Marquis of NORMANBY, moving
for a return of the murders and attempts at murder in Ireland since the commence- ment of the present year, attacked Ministers for their " tardy and dew- ' dling" procedure in reference to that country-
: The Coercion Bill was not a sufficient remedy. He believed that a systematic . and steady administration of the law would have proved sufficient. Still, after the recommendation which was contained in the Queen's Speech, not a day ought . to have been lost with the intended measure.
The Earl of ST. GERMANS defended the Government, and accounted for the delay.
The Marquis of CLANRICARDE, the Earl of WICKLOW, and the Duke of RICHMOND, joined the Marquis of Normanby in his attack; the Duke of - WELLINGTON, the LORD CHANCELLOR, and the Earl of HADDINGTON, - spoke in defence.
. The Duke of WELLINGTON gave notice that on Thursday he should - move an adjournment, for the Whitsuntide holydays, till the Thursday t following.