We have been favoured, by a highly respectable commercial house
with the following postcript to a letter from New York, dated two o'clock on the 7th, that is, one hour before the Great Western sailed. " Very important in- formation has just come to hand by the Southern mail. War is declared by the United States against Mexico, and an engagement has taken place between the forces under General Taylor and the Mexicans on the Rio Grande. This will have an important bearing on cotton."—Daily News.
The steam-frigates Cyclops and Retribution, attached to the Experimental Squadron, put back to Devonport, from stress of weather, on Thursday. On Sunday the squadron was ninety.five miles Westward of Scilly.
The Paris papers of Thursday state that Major Pajol, one of the King's Aides-de-camp, has gone to Algiers as the bearer of Marshal Bugeaud's letter of recal, and of the Dike d'Aumale's appointment as Commander-in-chief and Governor-General of Algeria.