23 MAY 1903, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your very interesting article on "The Literary Aspects of the Prayer-Book," p. 773, there is the following sentence :—" Afterwards, if there he any in the Ship,' the Absolution is to be pronounced." The omission of the first

part of the rubric here quoted—viz., "Then shall the Priest, if there be any in the Ship, pronounce," &c.—makes an un- intelligible sentence, apart from the fact that the Prayer-book never assigns an absolution to any one but a priest. The Spectator is usually so exact that the omission is all the more noticeable.—I am, Sir, &c., F. J. HAMMOND. All Hallows Vicarage, near Rochester, Kent.

[We are grateful for our correspondent's correction.— En. Spectator.]