23 MAY 1903, page 14

The Decay Of English Games.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—All lovers of our national games must agree with every word of the admirable article in the Spectator of May 16th anent their decay, and......

The Corn-duty.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—I generally agree with the editor of the Spectator. About the shilling a quarter on corn I do not. Mr. Gladstone left a shilling a......

[to The Editor Of The "sprotator."1 Sir,—in Your...

article on the Prayer- book in the Spectator of May 16th the writer says :—" The arguments against a liturgy seem, we are prepared to admit, from certain points of view, many......

[to The Editor Or 'pub "spectator:']

Sia,—Your interesting article in the Spectator of May 16th on "The Literary Aspects of the Prayer-Book" leads me to send you the enclosed appreciation of it from the same stand-......

A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your very interesting article on "The Literary Aspects of the Prayer-Book," p. 773, there is the following sentence :—" Afterwards,......

The Literary Aspects Of The Prayer-book.

[TO TUE EDITOP. OP THE " SPECTATOR." 1 SIR,—Your most interesting article in the Spectator of May 16th on "The Literary Aspects of the Prayer-Book" suggests to one's mind the......

(to Thz Editor Of The "spectator."1 Sul, — You Have Done A

great service in the cause of genuine sport by calling attention in the Spectator of May 16th to the decay which has set in of recent years in our two leading national games.......