23 MAY 1903, page 3

Indeed, It Seems Probable That Powerful Members Of The...

sympathise with the mob. M. de Plehve, Minister of the Interior, had been warned that risings were expected, and secretly forwarded orders to the officials to ex- postulate but......

All Accounts From France Indicate That The Relations...

State and the Church are strained to breaking- point. All over the country the Clericals and Anti-Clericals are fighting, usually within the churches themselves, and in the......

Nothing Is Settled In Somaliland, General Manning, Who Is...

supplies and transport at Bohotle, apparently waiting for final orders. Negotiations, however, are going on with Italy, and Menelek, though harassed by deficient supplies, has......

A Debate On The Congo Free State Occupied Much Time

in the Commons on Wednesday, and did not produce a very satisfactory result. Mr. Herbert Samuel and Sir Charles Dilke described, and in the general opinion of the House proved,......

Spain Is Probably On The Eve Of Troubled Days. The

loss of the colonies, the death of Senor Sagasta, and the rise of a fiercely Anti-Clerical spirit are changing the old Liberal party into a Republican one, which, it must not be......

The Colonial Party In France Have Published Their Pro-...

which includes a definite basis of agreement between France and Great Britain as regards their relative position in North Africa. Substantially the agreement amounts to this:......

The House Of Commons During The Week Has Been Chiefly

occupied with the Education Bill. On Tuesday Sir William Anson explained the changes in the representation of the Borough Councils on the Education Committee which the......

Lord Cranborne's Reply Was Very Weak ; But He Did

not deny the allegations, though he asserted that many of the delin- quents had been punished by the Government of the Congo. He admitted, therefore, that a primit-facie case......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent.

Consols (2i per cent.) were on Friday 92.......