23 MAY 1903, Page 3

Nothing is settled in Somaliland, General Manning, who is concentrating

supplies and transport at Bohotle, apparently waiting for final orders. Negotiations, however, are going on with Italy, and Menelek, though harassed by deficient supplies, has struck a small but effective stroke at the Mullah. On some day not clearly stated, but probably between April 20th and 30th, an Abyssinian force was attacked by eleven hundred Dervishes Burhilli. They were taken by surprise, but as all their history proves, they are gallant soldiers, and though the Dervishes charged splendidly they were repulsed, losing three hundred men killed to the Abyssinian twenty-one. The blow to the Mullah must be severe, especially if, as is reported, he has promised his followers the conquest of Abyssinia, which has been a traditional object with all Mahommedans since the days when the Prophet made his negro servant Commander- in-Chief of an army of invasion. With Menelek fully on our side, and the Italians "benevolent," if lethargic, and most of the wells in our hands, General Manning ought to win; but of course all depends on the final resolve of the British Ministry.