23 MAY 1903, Page 2

There has been a momentary change in the situation in

the Balkans. War between Turkey and Bulgaria had become so probable that Prince Ferdinand quitted Paris for Sofia, and on his arrival compelled the Daneff Ministry to resign. The Daneff Ministry professed to be Pro-Russian, but had a secret leaning towards the insurgents in Macedonia. After an attempt at the comprehension of all parties which was probably not sincere, the Prince appointed as Premier General Petroff, the leader of the followers of Stambouloff, who are first of all " strong-fisted " administrators, and secondly favourable to Turkey. The change will strengthen the Sultan's hand in resisting the pressure of his officers towards war, and greatly increases the difficulties of the Macedonian insurgents. They have organised and are maintaining a rather feeble guerilla war, marked by endless atrocities on both sides; but their first object is to compel an intervention from abroad, which the Sultan and Prince Ferdinand wish to prevent. We have discussed the situation elsewhere, but may mention here that the coming fine weather favours the insurgents, and the cost of the troops greatly embarrasses the Sultan in any policy of delay. The accounts from Albania are too conflicting to furnish a base of opinion, but apparently some of the clans are resisting the Turkish troops, while others are inclined to yield.