23 MAY 1903, Page 22

NEW EDITI0N8. — The Complete Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. (Houghton, Mifflin,

and Co.)—This "Cambridge Edition" contains all the verse, whether original or translated, that Pope wrote, arranged, as far as could be done, in chrono- logical order. The "Odyssey" has to be Presented in a mutilated form, on account of the collaboration of Fenton and Broome. Twelve books were wholly written by these two. These are omitted; but the two (IX. and XV.) which were mainly Pope's work are retained. We cannot help thinking that all might have been printed. It is at least conceivable that some person might want to read the " Od,yssey " for its story. A biographical sketch has been, prefixed—Ormond : a Tale. By Maria Edgeworth. With Introduction by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, Illustrated by Carl Schloesser. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. net.)---Pramley Parsonage. By Anthony Trollope. (John Lane. Is. 6d. and 2s. net.)—Life of Dante. By Dean Plumptre. (Isbister and Co. 6d. net.)—The Hand of Ethelberta, and Wessex Tales. By T. Hardy. (Macmillan and Co. $s. 6d.)