23 MAY 1931, Page 1

News of the Week

Geneva THE European Commission of the League of Nations appointed to consider the scheme for the closer federation of Europe has met at Geneva, and been in Session alternately with the Council of the League. We deal in a leading article with subjects before them. The subject uppermost in every mind was the - proposed Austro-German Customs Union. The Council unani- mously passed the motion of H.M.'s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs that the proposal should be submitted to the Permanent Court of International Justice for an urgently needed opinion upon whether the Union would be legal or in conflict with the Treaty of St. Germain and subsequent protocols which lay down the inviolability of Austria's independence. Herr Curtius for Germany entered his protest against the reference being made under Article XI of the Covenant of the League, as though the proposals were " calculated to disturb peace."